

The department of kinesiology offers several community outreach 程序s to a wide variety of populations in the Chippewa Valley. 这些项目通过教育和活动帮助社区成员改善健康状况. Students lead these 程序s and gain valuable experience working in settings they will find later in their careers. 该部门还与当地医疗保健提供者保持密切关系, 矫形护理提供者, 运动医学诊所, 学区和其他地方寻找最能从我们的项目中受益的人. 社区外展项目改善了健康状况.



本课程允许灵活和自定节奏的心肺复苏术培训. CPR training is traditionally done in groups but this class allows you to stop and review information to be sure you have complete understanding of the instruction. 你也可以通过完整或缩写形式的课程,甚至测试出的课程. 如果您要重新认证,这一点尤为重要.

每个混合式学习计划课程分为两个部分. 您可以在任何一台计算机上在线完成第一部分. 培训的第二部分, a Red Cross trained instructor will conduct a skills practice and assessment with course takers. The online session takes approximately two to three hours, depending on the pace of the student. 技能练习和评估环节大约需要两个小时, 取决于所评估的课程. 



The online portion of the class for approximately three weeks (typically the first three weeks of the month);
The skills review and testing session is offered during a one week window after the close of the online portion of the course (typically the last 7-9 days of the month). 报名参加技能审查 &测试在课程的在线部分开始之前进行.

The length of the skills session will vary depending on the content being reviewed and evaluated. 平均, 测试时间为3小时(完整课程), 成人/儿童/婴儿CPR/AED及急救). 将提供多个时段,先到先得. 每届会议的参加人数将限制为12人. 如果至少有3个参与者不报名参加一个会议, 会议可能会被取消,与会者可能会被转移到另一个会议.


Complete the class registration form and return it to either McPhee 208 or 213 with payment. 必须全额付款才能注册课程. All registration materials are due a minimum of two days before the start of the online portion of the course (dates to be announced).


The cancer recovery and 健身 程序 aims to increase the quality of life in cancer survivors by 支持ing individuals physically, 在情感上, 在社交方面,通过与接受过癌症健身专家培训的学生进行锻炼. 与马什菲尔德诊所癌症护理幸存者项目合作, 以及梅奥医疗系统, the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 is proud to offer an exercise recovery 程序 for cancer survivors. 由运动机能系的马特·威金斯教授指导,癌症康复 & Fitness 程序 is designed to help survivors reduce fatigue and build up their endurance either during or right after their cancer treatment has ended.


该项目提供的服务包括个性化健身计划, 与合格人员一起锻炼, 测量运动对参与者的生理和心理影响. 癌症康复 &健身计划在澳门葡京网赌送彩金上校区的McPhee中心进行. 转介到该计划是必要的, and can be obtained from Nicole Pickett with the Marshfield Clinic Cancer Care 程序 (715-839-3956), 或通过梅奥诊所健康系统癌症中心(715-838-6072). 欲了解更多信息,请使用本页底部的联系表格.


澳门葡京网赌送彩金癌症康复 & 健康计划肿瘤科医生转诊表

Here are examples of upper body and lower body stretching exercises specifically designed for cancer survivors.


问候! The Department of 运动机能学 at the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 will once again be offering physical education classes in the fall of 2018 for children educated at home. 课程将侧重于健康相关的身体健康和运动技能的发展. Students majoring in physical education and movement studies will be instructing the children under the new direction of Ms. 罗宾Cowden.

欢迎所有在家接受教育的4-17岁儿童参加. 取决于注册人数, children will most likely be separated into the following age groups when participating: 4-6 year olds, 7-9岁, 以及10岁以上的孩子, (注:这可能会有变化). 计划日期和费用概述如下:


课程将在星期二上午举行, 上午9:45-10:30在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的McPhee中心举行. Dates for classes are as follows: September 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20, 27; and December 4, 11.


提前报名并于周四前付款, 9月7日, 2018 = $30/个孩子(每个家庭最多$60)

逾期登记和付款在星期四之后收到, 9月7日, 2018 = $40/个孩子(每个家庭最多$80)


费用包括邮费、用品和设备等. 有经济需要的学生可按比例注册. 请联系博士. Oh (yoonsin@foillweb.com).

To fulfill your registration, please complete the following documents and send to the address below:

运动机能系,理. Dr. Yoonsin哦

需要填写的文件: 报名表(下)、医疗健康史、照片 & 视频同意书和付款方式. Our students are videotaping themselves to reflect their own teaching during homeschool PE. 请签署我们学生的学习同意书. All forms need to be completed and up-to-date before participation in the first PE class session. 请注意,并非所有参加该计划的儿童都接种了疫苗.

9月7日提前报名截止日期后, 您将在邮件中收到一个确认包, 附有确认函, 停车券, 校园地图, 以及付款收据.

有关该计划的问题可直接向Dr. 吴允信yoonsin@uwec.Edu或715-836-4400






Use the contact form at the bottom of this page for involvement in the homeschool education 程序.


P.R.I.D.E. 程序

P.R.I.D.E. 项目服务于有认知能力的儿童, 感觉, and physical disabilities ages 5-16 years by providing individualized and/or group instruction in the areas of skill development, 健身, 以及体育/娱乐活动. 

针对每个孩子的个性化方案是基于最初的筛选, 正在进行评估, 与家长协商, 老师, 及相关服务人员. 每个孩子都接受个别指导, 注意, 支持, 以及澳门葡京网赌送彩金本科生的鼓励.

该课程适合各种能力水平的儿童. The children participating in this 程序 will be recruited and/or referred from Physical Education/Adapted Physical Education 老师, 医生, 治疗师, 和家庭.


  • Provide children with disabilities individualized instruction that will assist in the development of specific movement skills.
  • Provide children with disabilities an opportunity to continue working on skills that are being addressed in their physical Education or therapeutic settings.
  • Provide children with disabilities an opportunity to learn that their disability does not have to limit them from participating in physical activity.
  • Provide 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students the opportunity to work with children with a wide spectrum of movement abilities.
  • Provide 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students the opportunity to develop understanding of the meaning of community service and an appreciation for serving others.
  • 为澳门葡京网赌送彩金及周边社区提供提升的机会, 加强, 并强调身体活动对残疾儿童的重要性.

P.R.I.D.E. 飞人之春2024
P.R.I.D.E. 2024年注册


P.R.I.D.E.4成人节目 serves adults with disabilities older than 17 by providing them an individualized exercise 程序. The exercise 程序 consists of an aerobic, resistance training, and range of motion components. 整体, evidence shows that exercise provides important health benefits for people with disabilities. 它的好处包括改善有氧和肌肉健康, 改善社会心理健康, 以及更好的处理日常事务的能力.

每个参与者的个性化方案是基于最初的筛选, 利益, 以及推荐信息. 参与者接受个人/团体指导, 注意, 支持, 以及澳门葡京网赌送彩金本科生的鼓励 supervised by a university faculty member. 该课程将适合各种能力水平的成年人. 如果您想了解更多澳门葡京网赌送彩金P的信息,请使用本页底部的联系表单.R.I.D.E. 对于成年人来说. 


  • Provide adults with disabilities individualized instruction that will assist in the development and improvement of their 健身.
  • Provide adults with disabilities an opportunity to continue working on areas of 健身 that are being addressed in other rehabilitation settings.
  • Provide adults with disabilities an opportunity to exercise and interact with others in a safe, 有趣的, 轻松的环境.
  • Provide 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students the opportunity to work with adults with a wide spectrum of movement abilities.
  • Provide 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students with learning opportunities that prepare them for professional school and/or their future professions.
  • Provide 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students the opportunity to develop understanding of the meaning of community service and an appreciation for serving others.
  • 为澳门葡京网赌送彩金及周边社区提供提升的机会, 加强, 并强调身体活动对残疾成年人的重要性.





