
Explore the software engineering bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校's 软件工程 bachelor's degree program was designed for those who love computers. If you enjoy developing or modifying systems software and hardware, working with computer 操作系统 and utilities or designing and testing software, 这是一条非常适合你的职业道路.

Our software engineering program goes well beyond what you might expect to learn in a traditional classroom. You will get the chance to participate in competitions (like hack-a-thons), conduct undergraduate research and network with companies through field trips and career fairs.


软件工程师s and programmers are needed in virtually every sector of the economy, 因此,毕业生需求量很大. 根据美国.S. 劳工部, seven of the ten fastest-growing occupations over the next ten years will be in the information technology field. 在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔校区, the number of incoming computer science students has nearly doubled over the past two years.

And as the field evolves, so does our curriculum. We're extremely proud of the fact that our computer science department has recently received two grants recognizing our innovative curriculum. The department has also been nominated three times for the UW System Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award.

Alexis Lappe has excelled in the classroom as a UW-Eau克莱尔 computer science major, but she also worked hard as a Blugold to make the STEM fields more inclusive and equitable.


Alexis Lappe was a senior in high school when a family friend offered to give her coding lessons. She knew immediately that her future was in computer science. 

“I fell in love with the logical nature of programming,” Alexis said. “Everything, if broken down far enough, could eventually be solved. There was nothing more satisfying than finally fixing a bug and watching your program come to life."

Read about Alexis' experience studying software engineering at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金.


专家,以学生为中心的教师. UW-Eau克莱尔's software engineering faculty have expertise in databases, 操作系统, 软件工程和网络开发. 教师 are devoted and eager to collaborate with students on different projects. They know what skills employers are looking for and provide you with what is needed to go above and beyond that.

跨学科教育. In addition to an in-demand degree, you'll also gain skills in a wide variety of disciplines. 探索计算机图形学的主题, 机器人, 计算机体系结构, 计算机安全, 网络, 计算理论, artificial intelligence and computational science. This wide range of knowledge and experience will set you apart from other job candidates.

带薪实习或学分实习. Internships available to software engineer majors are paid or apply for credit — and some are even both. The computer science department and the Career Services office work very hard to make sure all students are placed in the right internship for their interests and skills.

创新的设施. UW-Eau克莱尔's computer science department will empower you with the tools and resources you need to thrive in your educational journey. Four state-of-the-art computer labs with equipment updated every two years ensures you are working with the most recent technology. Students can also take advantage of the Blugold SuperComputer Cluster, which uses the analysis of mathematical models and computer simulations to gain an understanding of physical and chemical systems.





  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业需要辅修或证书.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • Student Association for Computing Machinery (SACM)
  • STEM中的女性和少数性别群体
  • Organization for Minorities in Technology (OMTech)

What can I do with a software engineering degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

UW-Eau克莱尔's software engineering students are in high demand by prestigious companies. 多亏了这个项目多样化的课程, you have the flexibility to choose a career path you are passionate about. With a high starting salary potential, our graduates have gone on to see great success in this field. With a major in software engineering from UW-Eau克莱尔, you're preparing yourself well for a promising future.



软件工程师ing bachelor’s degree program curriculum

UW-Eau克莱尔's software engineering degree program will teach you all about software design, 软件开发及相关领域. 核心课程包括面向对象编程, 数据结构, 算法, 数据库系统和web编程. 随着你大学生涯的进一步发展, you'll begin to take advanced courses in software engineering, 操作系统, 计算机体系结构和编程语言. Choose additional electives in topics that interest you. Advanced electives range from courses in computer graphics, 安全, 机器人, mobile computing application development and more.

What classes do software engineering majors take?


了解更多有关 software engineering major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog


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欧克莱尔, WI 54701